No Man Walks Alone.

Virtual Grief Groups for Men

Land•of•Loss /


  • A metaphor for our body, mind, and spirit in grief. 

  • An iteration of where you are in the present moment. 

  • A land inside yourself where you cannot locate your whereabouts, don’t speak the language, or know how to navigate what you’re feeling. You’re wandering—lost, stuck, and pretending you’re ok. It will be yours forever, but at some point, you’ll become familiar with it and see its beauty and wisdom.

There’s no right or wrong way to be in grief. 

Land of Loss Grief Circles

When we come together in a circle, we gain a better sense of our inner landscape. We hold space for each other to tell stories and express all feelings of sadness, anger, and fear around our losses. We will be heard and seen as we hear and see our fellow Men. We honor where we are in this new land of loss and find our path forward together. 

Everyone is welcome here—no matter where you are in your land of loss or how long you’ve been in grief. This is for you if you’re ready to bring awareness to patterns and gain a new sense of aliveness and bravery as you journey forward. 

Join us in Circle

In Circle, we gather virtually, creating a supportive environment where we can courageously express our feelings of sadness, anger, and fear surrounding our losses. Through sharing our stories and supporting one another, we will navigate the landscape of grief together, discovering our paths forward as we become more aware of our personal experiences and how they shape us. The Land of Loss’s virtual Grief Circles provides a safe, confidential support space. We gather every other week

The Land of Loss Grief Circle is for you if you’re…

Internalizing and suppressing feelings of sadness, pain,
and anger 

Bypassing inner
turmoil with stories about death and standing as
the strong father

Busy with “stuff” —and paying more attention to others than you are with yourself

Feeling overwhelmed, stuck, and unsure of how to move forward

Open Circles

We sit in circle to create a shared experience in community with other Men. Feel seen and heard in a safe, confidential container. Share, hold space, express, and learn practices to help you find solid footing in your land of loss. No Man walks alone.

We Meet Every Other Monday

New Complementary Circle Starts May 20th, 2024

Registration is required to join. For more information, or to register , please click the button below.

Meet Rune

On June 6th, 2021, my 17-year-old daughter Emilia died on a beautiful Texas summer sunset evening. Her death was like a volcanic eruption in my body and mind. The pain of losing my daughter was unbearable, and my life and inner landscape, as I knew it, was forever changed.

After a period of numbness, I woke up to the additional suffering I was creating and realized I already had the tools to guide me in my land of loss and grief journey. As I started using these tools, the path began to look different, and I felt lighter.  I came to grips with my reality and accepted the unacceptable. I learned to navigate and appreciate this new land of loss and got curious about what it could show me, how I was within it, and what it could teach me (if I only allowed it to). I started seeing opportunities for learning and growth in the sadness, fear, and anger—and slowly, my inner aliveness returned.

In my journey of grief and talking to other men in grief, I realized most men don’t have these tools, and as a result, many end up stuck in the land of loss. My heart aches for them with love and compassion. My professional work as a coach, partnering with individuals and groups to cultivate consciousness, and personal experience as a grieving father and man inspired me to create a community where men can lean on each other and have a safe, confidential space to BE. This inspired me to create the Land of Loss Circle, where you will experience me not just as a facilitator and guide but also as a participant and grieving man. It is my clear, heartfelt purpose.

Do you know a father struggling with grief?

Remind them that they don’t have to navigate their loss alone.

Get in touch.

Fill out the form below to learn more about upcoming grief circles and connect with me.